compare with previous results

How to Compare Your Rankings with Any Date in the Past (Updated)

Rank Tracker got an interesting feature the other day. It allows you to compare your rankings with any date in the past. You may want to use the feature to check against results of certain SEO activities that you did within a certain period of time. With the feature, you can now better understand if your SEO campaign actually worked or you need to do something different.

How to Configure the Feature

You need to enable an extra column before you can see how exactly this new thing works. Here’s what you’re supposed to do to enable the column. You need to go to Preferences and select Workspaces in the drop-down menu.

preferences workspaces

In the new dialog window, you should make sure that your workspace is selected and click the Edit button in the top menu.

edit workspaces

In the available columns section, you need to find the column that is entitled Google Previous Rank. Now you need to select the name of the column and hit the right arrow button.

googl's previous rank

Having moved the item in the right-hand column, you want to select it again and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to place it on the second position or wherever it makes sense to you. Once you’re ready with your settings, just click the OK button.

visible columns rank tracker

At this point, you should see a brand new column named Google Previous Rank.

google previous rank column

Now that you’ve added your new column in the interface, you can compare your rankings from now on. Having ensured that you selected your keyword, you need to click the Compare with Previous Results button in the top menu.


Now you’re able to compare your current keyword ranking with your lowest result, best result, etc.

options in compare with previous results menu

The most interesting thing is that you can use the custom date option to specify any date in the past (as long as you used the software to keep track of your rankings) and compare your rankings.

custom date compare with previous results

This feature can come in really handy while reverse engineering why something happened with your rankings back in the day. For instance, you may want to check your rankings against a date before a Google algorithm update rolled out and after that.

Video on Comparing Your Rankings with Any Date in the Past

Now that you got a general idea of how it works, you may want to check out the following video that gives you the visuals:

Should SEOs and Marketers Continue to Track and Report on Keyword Rankings? – Whiteboard Friday

Interesting video from Rand Fishkin about tracking keyword rankings and if it actually makes sense to do so. It goes without saying that he has vested interest in the matter – as he points it out in the video on his own – but what he says seems to make perfect sense.

Bottom Line

It goes without saying that every new feature gives you more flexibility to do all sorts of analytical stuffs. Being able to check your rankings with such in the past is definitely a new trick up your sleeve that allows you to work more professionally and efficiently.

What kind of activities would you use this feature for?

About The Author

Vitaliy Kolos

If you need assistance with SEO, Google Ads or web design, contact Vitaliy Kolos on the Get in Touch page.