The Latest Cyber Security Risks

The Latest Cyber Security Risks

You’re probably fed up of hearing about the importance of cyber security in business. It’s one of the most common pieces of business advice you’ll find at the moment, but that’s because it’s a very real problem and a data breach can have far reaching consequences.

The adaptability of cyber criminals and constantly evolving software make it particularly hard to deal with digital security because your strategy needs to be constantly changing if you’re going to keep up. Hackers are constantly finding new ways to get through your security, these are the things you should be watching out for right now.

Employees Using Their Own Devices

Surveys show that 74 percent of businesses are open to the idea of employees bringing their own personal computers and tablets to work and using those instead of an assigned one at the office. It’s a good idea because your staff will find it easier working on a computer that they’re familiar with. Unfortunately, it does open you up to more security risks.

You’ve got control over the firewall software that you put on the computers in the office and you can make sure that it’s being updated. If you let employees use their own computers to access company documents and corporate templates, you’re putting yourself at risk because you no longer have control over the security of those documents.

It falls to your employees to keep it updated. You can easily get around this if you provide security software for your staff and make sure that they install it before they start accessing any company documents on there.

Holes In The Cloud

Cloud computing is has been a huge innovation for businesses. It makes it so much easier for employees to share documents and collaborate on projects and it’s been vital to the revolution in remote working. But you should be aware of security when it comes to the cloud. There have been a lot of attacks on big organisations using ransomware in the cloud.

Ransomware is a piece of software that locks away certain files, criminals then demand a ransom to unlock them again. A lot of people end up paying because they desperately need to access the files. In the wake of some high profile ransomware attacks on big organisations like the National Health Service and Fedex, big companies are putting a lot more money into cloud security. That means criminals are more likely to start targeting smaller companies in the future so you need to make sure you’re protecting yourself enough.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is the most exciting technological advancement right now and it’s going to have an impact on cyber security as well. The good news is, researchers are looking into ways of using AI to make security software more effective. The bad news is, criminals are likely to do the same. Always make sure that you’re downloading any new versions of security software when they come out.

If you want to avoid cyber attacks you need to be aware of any developments and keep up to date with what the latest risks are.

About The Author

Vitaliy Kolos

If you need assistance with SEO, Google Ads or web design, contact Vitaliy Kolos on the Get in Touch page.