Top WordPress Podcasts

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Do you have those times when you’re waiting for somebody and that person is way too late and you like don’t really know what to do and you start like playing Angry Birds or do some other useless stuff? Well, I have a suggestion for you. You can use your iPhone or Android device, or whatever you got there to listen to some useful WordPress podcasts, which gives you the chance to use that time for investing into your education rather than just hanging around. Plus, time will fly by faster and that person you’re waiting for will come sooner. You see? It’s a total win-win. You might also want to give a buzz and tell him/her know that you’re still there and waiting. No need to mention that you’re listening to a podcast. 🙂

So, I looked through the iTunes podcast directory and did some Google search for WordPress related podcasts and here’s what I got for you.


Your Website Engineer

Your Website Engineer logo

At this point I consider it the best WordPress podcast ever (at least heard or seen by me :)).
The reason for that is really obvious. For starters, the host of the podcast, Dustin R. Hartzler, releases his podcast and publishes on his blog on a regular basis. Secondly, he not only talks about the things that are specifically related to WordPress, but he also tackles issues on Marketing and stuff like that. Thirdly, even if you’re a newbie and know literally nothing about WordPress and what it’s all about, Dustin has content (both in his podcasts and site) about all WordPress-related things from the ground up, such as selecting a domain name, running a stand-alone or a site, installing plugins and the list goes on and on.

Plus, he also responds to his readers and listeners questions in the podcast. So, you can contact him and ask a question that has been bugging and keeping you awake at night for a while now 🙂 In addition, it’s the most frequently updated podcast at the moment. The most alive for lack of a better word.

Apart from that, Dustin is a very friendly dude. He took the time to reply to my email message and kindly shared some upcoming topics (thanks, Dustin). In the next few episodes of his top-notch podcast, he will be discussing:

  • Understanding FTP Clients
  • Manually installing themes and plugins
  • How to hire a WordPress developer
  • How to create a favicon
  • HTML5 & CSS3 discussion
  • How podcasting can help your website

So, you can see for yourself that his podcast is always all about really crucial things and he totally knows his stuff.


WPCandy podcast

WP Candy podcast logo

This podcast is another great example of a successful WordPress-related site and podcast. It’s hosted by Ryan Imel. By the way, you can see all their team here. Judging from the episodes that I’ve checked, Ryan usually tackles more in-depth topics like WordPess theme pricing, WordPress edition features and things along those lines. So, you need to really make sure that you’re versed enough (at least a bit) with the basics of WordPress development in order to be able to listen and understand the guys from Though the blog itself is good for any audience because they have a forum and all kinds of blog posts, from zero to hero. By the way, here’s the WPCandy Video opener. It really look amazing!

WPCandy Video Opener from ThinkMojo on Vimeo.


The WordPress podcast

The WordPress podcast logo

It’s another interesting podcast with a bunch of useful episodes. This podcast is hosted by Joost de Valk and Frederic Townes ( the Chief Technical Officer of So, long story short, they both are famous WordPress plugin developers (at least!) and they definitely know their stuff. It’s my understanding that they are not updating their podcast at the moment, but let’s hope for the better. I’ve even shot them an email to double-check that. 🙂 They tackle issues like blog monetization, user engagement, and other web development-related topics. Though there are not too many episodes, you still need to check the available ones, because they talk about all sorts of topics in a really in-depth way.

WordCast podcast


This podcast is hosted by Kim Huynh, Lorelle VanFossen, and Dave Moyer. With a good bit of humor, they bring up and discuss really interesting things, which are related to WordPress. Apart from that, they also talk about all sorts of things, such as Facebook, Google+, browsers, etc. As a matter of fact, it’s about all things web. 🙂 Their site is full of useful and interesting things for everybody who lives and breathes with the Web. The only thing that I’m not exactly happy with is that they have not created new episodes for about a year now. Does that mean that’s it? Hopefully not, because that would be a huge pity for me. Hands down! I guess they’ll resume their podcast activity if we let them know that we want it, right?



DaWPshow logo

And this podcast in the list is the smallest one. I mean there are just a few episodes available, such as Faster WordPress, PressTags, WordPress Theming basics, and WordPress security. This podcast is hosted by Josh Feck and it’s still worth your while. And a few of the topics that Josh featured in his latest (and greatest, as they say :)) podcast episode: bbPress, Teleogistic , Plugin Palooza, How to Use Conditional Widgets with WordPress and Why They’re Awesome, Speeding Up WordPress (which is important because it’s a Google’s ranking factor now), and The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Taxonomies. As you can see, those are pretty to the point topics.


WordPess Weekly

WordPress Weekly logo

This podcasts’s episodes are rather extensive ones (about an hour or so), which allows to discuss topics really meticulously. It’s hosted by Jeff Chandler. It used to be a weekly source of WordPress news, but now it looks that Jeff stopped releasing new stuff. He interviewed interesting people (like the founders of WordPress and Drupal) and basically covered whatever was happening in the WordPress community. Long story short, if you’re really in the know as for WordPress and you really care about the stuff that is going on with the whole WordPress planet and where it’s heading over to, the podcast is definitely for your.


WordPress in 10 10 minutes

WordPress in 10 Minutes Podcast

This 10-minute podcast is hosted by Chuck Tomasi and Kreg Steppe. The guys are determined to provide you with WordPress knowledge in a really convenient and step-by-step manner, because they just want you to invest as little as 10 minutes of your day to learn some really interesting stuff as for installing and using WordPress. Some of their topics include: Pre-Blog Planning, Secret Keys and More Space, Migrating v2-v3 Sites, Customized Menus, Forms, WordPress maintenance fail and Facebook photo fetcher plugin, Jetpack for WordPress, and special The Tech Show Interview.

I have a hunch that there may be other good WordPress podcasts. If it’s the case, please let me know.

And one more thing, if you know that your followers or friends may like this info, don’t hesitate to like, tweet and Google+ the post. Thanks 🙂

About The Author


I love blogging about web design, web development, and SEO. In other words, all things web. I strongly believe that Wordpress combined with clever SEO is the best solution for most site owners on the Web.