3 of the Best B2B Marketing Strategies in 2019

3 of the Best B2B Marketing Strategies in 2019

If you think you have exhausted all strategies of attracting new consumers to your products and services, then it is time to venture into collaborating with other like-minded business people. Undertaking new strategies with different businesses will help grow your customer base, professional network, and close sales.

However, how would you know which businesses you should target and attract? Which ones are best fit in achieving your strategic goals? This article will answer those questions and show you how to best come up with a business to business (B2B) marketing strategy that would work for you.

Brand Evaluation and Research

Brand Evaluation and Research

Coming up with a well-fitting marketing strategy for your business lies heavily in the initial research and analysis that you do. Before everything else, you must first reevaluate your value chain. This will give you an idea of the performance of processes relevant to your business. Through this, you can identify which parts of your business operations requires improvement or may be further optimized.

Research is essential before seeking to partner with other businesses. Analyzing marketplace components, aspects of your brand, and target market or customers would help in coming up with well-informed decisions for overall business improvement. This effort will definitely aid in executing your chosen marketing strategies and establishing a baseline in measuring results.

Establish Online Presence

In today’s worldwide trend on digitalization of services, it is crucial for business owners to take advantage of internet platforms to expand their reach and attract other businesses.

Creating a website is just one of the ways of establishing a visible online presence. Your website will serve as a source of information about your business for most, if not all service providers. Therefore, it should readily detail pertinent information on your company’s expertise as well as carefully targeted offers.

First impressions are important. More likely than not, potential clients’ first interaction with you would be through your website. Its overall design should, therefore, have a perfect balance of functionality and professionalism that would help establish credibility as well as differentiate your business from others.

website design mistakes

It may likely be beneficial for your company to invest in website development (e.g., ensure usability across a wide range of devices, have fast loading time) and design in order to better attract prospects and build engagements. This also prevents doing website design mistakes that would turn off visitors.

Another method that would help in building an online presence would be creating accounts in social media platforms. This opens more channels of engagements with potential business partners – allowing you to establish connections and relationships with them.

Though there are several social media websites that you can utilize, it is not necessary that you need to be in each one. Having a thorough understanding of your business operations and your customers is important in determining the best social media platform that your company should use.

The number of generated leads by your company will significantly be boosted when it can immediately be seen and accessed through search engine sites. Optimize your website’s searchability by adding keywords, H1 tags, title and meta descriptions, and image alt tags.

Through this, it would improve your website’s ranking in the search engines when people search for words relevant to your business, consequently increasing the possibility of expanding the customer base and increasing business partnerships.


Utilize Analytics

In order to better formulate decisions relevant to the business, it is important to employ tools which record site traffic and provide the site, search engine, and social media analytics. These data will help identify relevant information on your customers or prospect partners which you can use for further optimization of your business’ different channels of engagement.

In this evolving technological landscape with ever-changing customer expectations, it is essential that businesses are open to innovative strategies. Those who are able to effectively research and analyze information and expand their reach to stakeholders are very likely to gain a competitive ground in their respective industries.

About The Author

Vitaliy Kolos

If you need assistance with SEO, Google Ads or web design, contact Vitaliy Kolos on the Get in Touch page.