Negative SEO for Only $2 a Day

negative SEO

You’ve done everything right with your website: You’ve written authoritative content with deliberate and meaningful keywords, you’ve cultivated links from authoritative sources inbound to your content, and you’ve focused on encouraging repeat visits and “dig-down” page viewers. Everything has been tracked using Google Analytics, and the website’s rise is both meteoric and enviable when it comes to Google search engine placement. Feeling comfortable in the knowledge of your website’s prominence for a keyword-targeted search, you relax, pay less attention, and go about your daily business feeling good about your successes…

But the job is actually not done when the website begins to rank highly on Google. Search engine optimization isn’t just a battle, it’s a war. And every competitor which wants to rank higher than your website is going to do everything they can to ruin that reputation. One of the tools in the arsenal of every competitor is negative SEO “bombing.” This technique involves massive commenting on blog entries and posting on discussion forums; users compare their posts of needless, irrelevant, and erroneous links. Google’s Panda and Penguin algorithms then see these links and punish a website which is now regarded more as a spam source than one which has authoritative content on any given topic. All of that hard work can come undone in a matter of weeks, so it’s important to stay vigilant and engaged with a website’s content and ranking.

negative SEO

This original negative SEO study & infographic was made by TastyPlacement, an Austin, Texas SEO Company.

About The Author


I love blogging about web design, web development, and SEO. In other words, all things web. I strongly believe that Wordpress combined with clever SEO is the best solution for most site owners on the Web.