SEO Mistakes You Could Be Making

SEO Mistakes You Could Be Making

There is no denying that search engine optimisation is of huge importance for businesses today. For those who are unaware, this involves using an array of different techniques to move your website up the search engine result pages.

After all, very few people go past page one when they are browsing for something online. However, SEO is not an easy thing to master. It takes a lot of work and effort. With that being said, continue reading to discover some of the common SEO errors you need to avoid.

  • Writing for search engine bots and not humans – This is one of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to SEO today. Gone are the days whereby you could simply stuff content with different keywords in an attempt to rank for them. Google bots are a lot more intelligent now and they will pick up on these black hat techniques. Instead, you need to make sure that you are writing for humans. This means that keywords need to be carefully incorporated so that they are natural and no one can tell that keywords have been used. It also means that you need to write original content that is engaging and useful for the reader.
  • Not considering website design and experience – A lot of people do not realise that website design and user experience has an impact on search engine rankings. If your website is difficult to navigate, does not load quickly, and does not offer an optimal experience on smaller devices, this is going to reduce your search engine ranking. This is because factors like bounce rate are considered when determining where your website should place in the search engine results.
  • Viewing SEO as a one-time thing – Another mistake people make is viewing search engine optimisation as a one-time thing. They see it as something they only need to work on once and invest in once, and then they can forget about it. However, the Internet is changing all of the time, and so you need to make sure that SEO is something you are working on continually.
  • Prioritising quantity over quality when link building – Having a high number of links is not going to do your website any favours if all of the links come from poor quality websites that are not relevant to your business. Instead, quality is the name of the game. Make sure inbound links come from websites that are relevant and have a high domain authority.

As you can see, there are a number of different errors that people tend to make when it comes to SEO. If you are currently making any of the blunders that we have discussed in this blog post, there is no need to panic, but there is a need to take action. You need to make sure that you make an effort to rectify the errors so that you can get your strategy back on track and your ranking does not suffer.

About The Author

Vitaliy Kolos

If you need assistance with SEO, Google Ads or web design, contact Vitaliy Kolos on the Get in Touch page.