The Most Effective Ways To Humanize Your Business

Humanizing your brand is one of the smartest and most important things you can do to get your audience resonating with you. If you don’t work towards making your brand seem more human in the eyes of your audience, you might look like a faceless corporation that really doesn’t care.

Below, we’ll take a look at how you can begin humanizing your business right away:

Come Up With A Brand Voice/Personality

Having a brand voice and consistent brand personality will make your business appear more human in an instant. You need to consider who you’re talking to before you do this, as you want your audience to resonate with you. Figure out exactly who your audience is and what they want, and then develop your brand voice/personality around that. You can consider who your business would be if it were a person, for example.

Personalize Interactions With Your Customers/Audience

When speaking to your customers and audience, aim to personalize the interactions you have with them as much as possible. Refer to them by name, and don’t use copy and pasted responses if you can help it. Inject some personality into your messages and let them know that you’re a person too. Most people prefer this to feeling like they are interacting with another faceless corporation.

Post Content That Has Value

One of the best things you can do to humanize your business and win brownie points from your audience is post content that has value. Always aim to provide value with the content you put out, or at least a laugh! Don’t be too precious about your expertise, as this can help people to see that you’re a big deal in your niche.

Avoid Business Downtime

You can’t always avoid business downtime – you’re only human, after all! However, you should do your best to avoid it by taking precautions such as working with a company like If you do have downtime, let your customers know and apologize, before working to get back online as quickly as possible. This can mean losing thousands, so it’s not something you should feel too relaxed about.

Always Stay True To Your Brand

Make sure you know exactly what your brand stands for and why you started. Staying true to your brand is absolutely key if you want to have a consistent brand image and build true fans of your business, rather than just customers.

Share Your Story

Don’t be afraid to share the story of how you got started, and talk about what made you want to start a business in the first place. People love a story – they love telling them and they love listening to them. Listening to yours will instantly make your business more human in their eyes.

Nurture Relationships

Don’t forget to nurture your customer relationships to ensure they last in the long term. Give them the attention they deserve and don’t let your audience forget about you.

Are you ready to humanize your business?

About The Author

Vitaliy Kolos

If you need assistance with SEO, Google Ads or web design, contact Vitaliy Kolos on the Get in Touch page.