How to Avoid Bad Links to Your Site
As you most likely have heard, the Penguin update was all about the links that point to your site from others (some of them may be bad links). The problem is you can’t really control all your links (the ones that you got in a natural way), but you need to do whatever possible to…
Top 10 Entrepreneurs Under 30
This is a guestpost by Business MBA. What do you think about Top 10 Entrepreneurs Under 30? Andrew Mason, who is aged 29 years old, has a net worth of about $600 million. He is the founder and CEO of Groupon, an on line business that offers daily deals to people the world over through…
Conditional Operators – Learning PHP for absolute beginners
The power of any programming language is all about making decisions based on user selection. Conditional operators (conditional statements) execute code only when certain condition is met. If the expressions inside the parentheses () evaluate to true, the code between braces {} is executed. If it is false, then the code between braces is skipped.…
The Anatomy of a Horrible Web Design Client
If you’ve ever performed a job for a web design client, you may have run into one guy that just made you want to pull your hair out due to the frustration he caused you in the process of communicating how to design his picture perfect business website. Sounds familiar? If you haven’t run into…
Web page design – HTML Tutorial 14 (part 2)
This is the second and the last part of my web page design tutorials. If you’ve got to our blog for the first time, I suggest checking my previous tutorials because they just give you a basic understanding and really necessary skills to proceed with your HTML endeavors. In this particular tutorial, you will learn…
Top WordPress Podcasts
Do you have those times when you’re waiting for somebody and that person is way too late and you like don’t really know what to do and you start like playing Angry Birds or do some other useless stuff? Well, I have a suggestion for you. You can use your iPhone or Android device, or…
Web page design – HTML tutorial 14
In this HTML tutorial I will share some web-page design techniques and you will learn how to create web-pages with a perfect layout. A web page design is similar to the design of usual documents for print except for a few differences. The main difference is the ability to use links. Using links (or URLs)…
PHP operators and expressions – Learning PHP for absolute beginners
This time around we’ll tackle one more rather interesting and really crucial notion in PHP and for that matter in any other programming language. PHP operators allow you to perform different operations with numeric variables. It is necessary to specify two operands and the appropriate symbol of mathematical operation. For example, the operation of addition…
Geeks vs. Nerds – who are WordPress users?
If you didn’t think there was any difference between geeks vs. nerds, think again. Geeks and nerds are actually not the same. A nerd and a geek may share some of the same repulsive traits and characteristics, like mouth-breathing and a total lack of style, but this chart shows you how to tell a geek…
Top infographics for WordPress enthusiasts
Whether you just start out with your WordPress studies or you’ve got some experience on your hands, it really makes sense to check out top infographics about WordPress, because due to their visual nature they help comprehend some intricate WordPress notions. Apart from that, they assist with putting all your separate pieces of WordPress knowledge…
Object in HTML – HTML tutorial 12
In the HTML tutorial 11 – HTML audio, we have learned how to add audio files and music to our HTML-pages. Now it’s time to expand the horizons of our knowledge. The Object in HTML tutorial will teach you how to add different objects to your HTML-page such as: video, flash animation and java-applet.
Learning PHP for absolute beginners – data types
PHP can work with 8 different types of data, which can be separated into 3 categories: scalar data types, compound data types and special data types. Not that scary as it might sound. You already know half of that stuff. Of course if you attended math classes at school 🙂 … I did not 😉
WordPress on Android? (App Review)
Have you ever dreamed to be able to run your blog right on the go? I betcha have! Guess what? WordPress on Android is possible! You can do it now. Yes, you can. And no, I’m not Obama. 🙂 And I’m also not tripping. As a matter of fact, you can just head to Google…
PHP variable – Learning PHP for absolute beginners
In this tutorial we’ll cover the bread and butter of any programming language, including our beloved PHP – the variable. So what is it? Think of it as a container which holds some specific value.
HTML audio – HTML tutorial 11
This tutorial will teach you how to add audio files to your HTML page. It could be a simple music track or a background HTML audio file. We will go through all the settings, tags, and attributes related to HTML audio and compare the default audio players in different browsers. You’ll learn about the obligatory…