Free SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization

First off, you may be wondering why for free and why for a whole month? Well, I’m trying to get off the ground and spread a positive online reputation. Plus I know that the white hat SEO methods that I’m going to use will work for sure. You’ll get the best SEO services for that same reason: I need you to think good about me. Hopefully you’ll either use my paid services down the road or at least let your friends or business partners know about me and my services.

So, once you send me an email with a request for my free SEO services, I’ll get back to you with an SEO report (both off-page and on-page). Please make sure to specify the URL of your site and the keyword that you want to rank higher for.

SEO has two big portions: on-page SEO (what you have on your site) and off-page SEO (what links from what other sites point to yours). Let me give you more details on what exactly you’ll include in my report if you decide to give a shot to my free services.

On-page SEO

I’ll run a few tests that will clearly demonstrate if your site has been optimized for the keyword that you’re trying to rank for. If it ‘s not the case, I’ll get back to you with step-by-step recommendations as for what exactly you need to change on your site for higher rankings in major search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. Changing a few things on your page may drastically improve your rankings. I say that from experience. And by the way, better rankings mean more customers for the services or products that you offer on your site.

Off-page SEO

Other than that I’ll also investigate what sites link to yours and what exactly you need to do (links from what sites to obtain) in order to beat your competitors. The point is that to rank higher than your rivals you just need to have the same amount and quality of inbound links +1. I’ll provide you with that list. This way you’ll know exactly what you need to do. Plus I’ll provide you with a few ideas that you can implement for enhancing your site’s performance. You can decide to implement them on your own or hire me. 🙂 Even if you decide not to hire me, a thank you and a bit of spreading the word will do the trick just fine. So, it’s a win-win.

If you have any questions, let me know.

In case you want to try it out right now,