3 Simple Steps to Getting a Lot More Website Traffic

This is a guest post by Craig Marshall. The post outlines the old-school SEO methods that don’t work any more. Just so that you know what not to do any more if you are still doing that. There are a bunch of useless methods that are just killing your time and give nothing (or almost…

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The 5 Most Common Guest Blogging Mistakes

This is a guest post by Nat. If you have a blog or a website, one of the best ways to gain traffic and exposure is through guest blogging. In essence, guest blogging is the trade of content and knowledge for exposure. But in addition to being able to showcase your knowledge in front of…

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Ad Extensions 101: Everything You Need to Know

This guest post is brought to you by Chris Barnwell. An ad extension makes your PPC ad stand out.  If you are lucky, your ad might be the only one using a particular type of ad extension.  At the most basic, it helps give searchers more information about your company.  It also helps increase your…

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Top 5 SEO iPhone Apps List

This is a guest post by John Miller. Working in the field of SEO definitely has a few attractive perks, one of the best being that you have the freedom to make your own schedule. However, with great freedom comes great responsibility as you could easily be threading into dangerous waters, particularly if you do…

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Content Strategy for Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

This is a guest post by Andrew Handley. While content marketing is on everyone’s mouth lately, it’s usually associated with infographics, viral blog posts and videos – but there’s a whole other dimension of content marketing that doesn’t necessarily have much to do with the website of the business that’s being promoted. Marketing on social…

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The Emanuel Update on Google

This is a guest post by Abhishek Khandelwal. Never heard of Emanuel? Neither have most people. But Google’s latest update, unofficially dubbed “Emanuel” by Search Engine Land after Ari Emanuel, the Hollywood talent agent and William Morris Endeavour co-CEO, who first came up with the suggestion that Google should perhaps look into penalising pirated content.…

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How to Sell Ads With the Help of BSA

Like it or not, you’ll face the issue of selling ads one day. How to sell ads you ask? You got me. That’s exactly what I’ll dwell on in this post. 🙂 It may be your own decision or your boss’s but that’s beside the point in this context. I stumbled upon this problem or…

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Chrome SEO Plugins That You Wanna Use

As an SEO you need to keep track of all sorts of changes that are constantly happening (thanks Google!). And I can’t really imagine how that would be possible without all sorts of software out there. Judging from what I learned from my buddies and just acquaintances in the realm of search engine optimization we…

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The most effective ways to improve blog SEO

So how to make clients find your business online? It goes without saying that your website must be popular. Our team conducted an independent investigation and now we are happy to share the most effective ways to improve your blog SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Using the following techniques will inevitably lead to more Google love…

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Best WordPress Plugins and a Bit of History

This is a guest post by Teyona Dame. While there are numerous technology companies that generate millions of dollars by licensing proprietary software, there are only a handful of organizations that focus on developing free open source software. Among others, Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds pioneered the concept of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) development.…

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How to Create an HTML/PHP Contact Form (Part One)

In this series of tutorials, we’ll try to cover most of the aspects of a well-coded and secure HTML/PHP contact form. Even if you’re not familiar with PHP and have only basic knowledge of HTML, that will be totally enough. First, let’s think of why you would actually need a contact form on your site?…

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How to Create Simplistic WordPress Themes

If you’re new to WordPress (WordPress development virgin as some say) and you consider the job of a WordPress developer, you may have the question about how exactly WordPress themes work and how they are structured. In other words, you just want to get a general idea about the whole shebang. Does that sound like…

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HTML Editor: Which One You Should Use?

I’m going to help you choose the best HTML editor for your needs. The basic thing in web design and development is that you need to switch on your monitor…. well, not exactly just that. 🙂 In fact, if you’ve decided to mess around with HTML and become a web design guy or a web…

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Useful links

Three Alternatives To Guest Posting

It’s funny that this topic comes in the form of a guest post, but there are many alternatives when it comes to link building that have to do with other things besides guest posting. Some SEOs (or link marketers if you like that term better) start saying that the rage of guest posting is coming…

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The Easy Way to Find the Best Web Design Services

There are thousands of SEO and webdesign/development companies online today, all of them are claiming to have the best web design services in the world (some even mention the Universe for that matter). How do you know who to trust? The simplest way is to look at who the company is, the recognition they’ve received,…

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